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Getting Tactical About Taxes: Clever Strategies for Expanding Your Self-Storage Empire

Get 42 seminars addressing the full spectrum of self-storage: development, construction, investment, ownership, management, marketing, technology and more. Enjoy significant savings!  

Format: Streaming video
Duration: Approximately 42 hours

Please Note: Streaming videos are viewable through an embedded player from your "My On-Demand Library." Purchased titles are uploaded nightly into customer accounts by the system, usually by 8 p.m. Central Time, though times may vary. This means it may take up to 24 hours for videos to appear in your library, depending on what time of day your transaction was processed. Thank you for your patience.

Total Self-Storage Solutions 2023 Education Video Package

Streaming video is now available in discount packages! Now you can get all 42 sessions from the Building, Editor’s Choice, Investing, Operations, Technology, Wealth and Staffing education tracks at the 2023 Inside Self-Storage World Expo in one convenient bundle. This product offers significant savings off the individual video prices and features self-storage experts discussing important topics related to self-storage development, construction, customer experience, investment, ownership, management, marketing, technology, legal issues and more. It includes: 

 Self-Storage Building 2023 Education Video Package

  • Does This Site Make Sense? Where to Build Self-Storage in Today’s Shifting Market
  • Value Engineering in Self-Storage: Cinching the Purse Strings on Your Next Construction Project
  • Exceeding Expectations of Self-Storage With Aesthetically Superior Design
  • My Pain, Your Gain: The Hard Lessons I’ve Learned About Building Self-Storage
  • Never Break the (Supply) Chain: Sourcing Materials and Prices for Self-Storage Projects
  • Driving Success: Designing Vehicle Flow and Parking for Your Self-Storage Property
  • Living the Dream: How We Built Our First Self-Storage Facility and Lessons Learned

 Self-Storage Editor’s Choice 2023 Education Video Package

  • Self-Storage Meets the Blockchain: Social Tokens and How They Could Transform Industry Investing
  • Surviving the Forest of Social Media: How Any Self-Storage Operator Can Make It on Their Own
  • The One Stop Way: Why and How We Turned Our Self-Storage Portfolio Into a Self-Sustaining Brand
  • Smooth Sailing or Bumpy Ride? Operators Share Their Boat/RV-Storage Triumphs, Tragedies and Tips
  • Inside the Box, Outside the Lines: Real-Life Innovation in Self-Storage Conversion Projects
  • Federal Laws That Apply to Your Local Self-Storage Facility and How They Impact Your Business
  • What You Need to Know About Digital Marketing in the New Era of Data Privacy

 Self-Storage Investing 2023 Education Video Package

  • What’s What in Self-Storage Real Estate? Living in the Now, Forecasting the Future
  • Interpreting Self-Storage Facility Value in Today’s Changeable Market
  • Getting Self-Storage Owners to Sell Their Facilities: Insider Acquisition Tips
  • Traversing the Sea of Self-Storage Finance, No Matter the Economic Climate
  • The Newbie Investor’s Guide: Finding a Successful Start in Self-Storage
  • Getting Out, Cashing In: Positioning Your Self-Storage Property for Sale
  • Securing Funds in a Time of Uncertainty: Insight to Self-Storage Underwriting

 Self-Storage Operations 2023 Education Video Package

  • 30 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started My Self-Storage Operation
  • Going Nuclear With Your NOI: Ways to Ignite Income, Defuse Expenses and Fuel Facility Value
  • The Self-Storage Metrics Every Manager Must Know—and Leverage—to Be Utterly Indispensable
  • The Perfect Marketing Mix: Blending Digital and Traditional Tactics to Get More Business in the Door
  • Their Perception Is Your Reality: How to Influence the Key Groups That Determine Self-Storage Success
  • Which Way Is Up? Where Google Is Headed and How It’s Going to Help You Outrank Competitors
  • The Self-Storage Glow-Up: 5 Things Your Facility Needs to Be the Best Revenue-Getter

Self-Storage Technology 2023 Education Video Package

  • Avoiding Overload: How to Honestly Evaluate Your Self-Storage Technology Needs
  • Insider Tips for Automating Self-Storage and Making That Coveted Mailbox Money
  • Wielding Technology to Centralize—and Futurize—Your Self-Storage Sales Center
  • Shopping for Self-Storage Software? Guidance to Help You Grasp Types, Features and Benefits
  • How I Turned My Family's Self-Storage Operation on Its Head: An Automation Case Study
  • Running Defense: What You Need to Keep Your Self-Storage Facility Safe and Secure
  • Don’t Be a Cyber Sucker! Protecting Your Self-Storage Business From Online Attack

Self-Storage Wealth 2023 Education Video Package

  • 5 Things You Must Know to Raise Money for Your Next Self-Storage Venture
  • Making Millions in Self-Storage: How to Find Opportunities, Outwit Competitors and Win Deals
  • Fast-Tracking Your Self-Storage Investment Portfolio: What It Takes and Lessons Learned
  • Getting Tactical About Taxes: Clever Strategies for Expanding Your Self-Storage Empire
  •  For more detailed descriptions, please refer to the individual product pages.

Self-Storage Staffing 2023 Education Video Package

  • Hiring Hell? Securing Top-Quality Self-Storage Staff, Even in Today’s Infernal Labor Market
  • The Intrapreneur Work Culture: What It Is and How Your Self-Storage Operation Can Get One
  • Give Them What They Want! Secrets to Staff Compensation, Motivation and Retention

 For more detailed descriptions, please refer to the individual product pages.

Item Subjects:

Format: VID