Start your Journey into Brand Licensing Today

All your brand licensing questions answered, with on-demand training delivered by some of the industry’s brightest minds.

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Module 1: The Basics of Brand Licensing

Module 1: The Basics of Brand Licensing

It’s easy for us to talk about how amazing Licensing Unlocked is. But for you to get a real taste of what to expect, you need to experience it for yourself. Access Module 1: The Basics of Brand Licensing for free today.

What’s Included:

  • Module 1: The Basics of Brand Licensing
  • 6 Videos
  • 2 Viewable Learning Resources

Item Subjects:

Format: VID

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Full Access: Licensing Unlocked Modules 1 – 8

Full Access: Licensing Unlocked Modules 1 – 8

Understanding what brand licensing is and how to utilise it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated. With Licensing Unlocked, we cut straight to all the good stuff.

Full access to Licensing Unlocked You’ll find masterclass-style modules covering all the essential topics.

What’s Included:

  • Modules 1 – 8:
    • The basics of brand licensing part 1
    • The basics of brand licensing part 2 and the licensing lexicon
    • The legal and financial requirements and agreements
    • A detailed breakdown of the creative processes
    • How to choose the right partner
    • Licensing market trends
    • The analysis of real-life brand licensing case studies
    • How to take your next steps on your licensing journey
  • 50+ Videos
  • 15+ Downloadable Learning Resources
  • Access to Ask the Expert
  • Certification from Licensing International
  • Licensing International Membership Discount

Item Subjects:

Package Components: 5 Things You Must Know to Raise Money for Your Next Self-Storage Venture , Module 1: The Basics of Brand Licensing , Fast-Tracking Your Self-Storage Investment Portfolio: What It Takes and Lessons Learned , Getting Tactical About Taxes: Clever Strategies for Expanding Your Self-Storage Empire